Y mae dyfroedd iechydwriaeth

Y mae dyfroedd iechydwriaeth
  A'u rhinweddau mewn parhad,
Y mae ynddynt feddyginiaeth
  Anffaeledig ac yn rhad;
Deuwch, gleifion codwm Eden,
  I ddefnyddio'r dyfroedd hyn;
Ni bydd diwedd byth ar rinwedd
  Sylwedd mawr Bethesda lyn.

           - - - - -

Y mae dyfroedd iachawdwriaeth,
  A'u rhinweddau mewn parhâd;
Y mae ynddynt feddyginiaeth
  Anffaeledig, oll yn rhâd:
Deuwch, gleifion codwm Eden,
  I ddefnyddio'r dyfroedd hyn,
Ni bydd diwedd byth ar rinwedd
  Sylwedd mawr Bethesda lyn.

Cofiwch hyn mewn stâd o wendid -
  Dyfroedd at y fferau sy',
Dirifedi yw'r cufyddau
  A fesurir i chwi fry;
Bod yn blant yr adgyfodiad,
  Nofio yn y dyfroedd hyn,
Edrych ar ogoniant Iesu
  A fu'n gwaedu ar y bryn.
Ann Griffiths 1776-1805

Tôn [8787D]: Llangan (alaw Gymreig)

gwelir: Mae sŵn y clychau'n chwarae

The waters of salvation have
  Merits in perpetuity,
There is in them healing
  Unfailing and free;
Come, ye wounded of the fall of Eden,
  To use these waters;
There will never be an end to the virtue
  Of the great substance of Bethesda lake.

                - - - - -

The waters of salvation have
  Merits in perpetuity;
There is in them healing
  Unfailing, all free:
Come, ye wounded of the fall of Eden,
  To use these waters,
There shall never be an end to the virtue
  Of the great substance of Bethesda lake.

Remember this in a state of weakness -
  Waters up to the ankles they are,
Unnumbered are the cubits
  That shall be measured to thee above;
Be a child of the resurrection,
  Swim in these waters,
Look upon the glory of Jesus
  Who was bleeding on the hill.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion
Still the streams of our salvation
H A Hodges 1905-76

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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